Kreissparkasse Heidenheim

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     Information about Kreissparkasse Heidenheim

    Company website

     SWIFT database:

    Country: DE (Germany) See all banks in Germany
     SEPA Info:
    Name: Kreissparkasse Heidenheim
    Country: Germany GERMANY See all banks in Germany
    City: Heidenheim
    Address: Schnaitheimer strasse 12
    Sepa Credit Transfer: from: 2008-01-28
    Sepa Direct Debit: from: 2010-11-01
    Sepa Direct Debit B2B: from: 2010-11-01
    Sepa Instant Credit: from: 2018-07-10
    The single euro payments area (SEPA) is a system of transactions created by the European Union (EU). The SEPA harmonizes the way cashless payments transact between euro countries. European consumers, businesses, and government agents who make payments by direct debit, instant credit transfer, and credit transfers use the SEPA architecture. The single euro payment area is approved and regulated by the European Commission.
     Step2 Card Clearing Info:

    STEP2 Card Clearing: Yes
    The STEP2 Card Clearing System (STEP2 CC) is a high volume, commercial and retail euro card clearing processing system based on a direct debit mechanism capable of routing card clearing messages between participants.
     Step2 SEPA Credit Transfer (SCT) Clearing Info:

    STEP2 SEPA Credit Transfer (SCT) Clearing: Yes
    The STEP2 SEPA Credit Transfer (SCT) Service is a highly resilient Pan-European Automated Clearing House (PE-ACH) service with full disaster recovery features. It allows banks to send and receive SEPA payments and, at the same time, to reach all other financial institutions in SEPA.
     LEI Code:

    LEI code: 529900S3OB921ZBBUG77 Get your LEI code now
    The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a 20-character, alpha-numeric code based on the ISO 17442 standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It connects to key reference information that enables clear and unique identification of legal entities participating in financial transactions
     FATCA GIIN Info:

    FATCA GIIN code: FJKG2R.99999.SL.276
    GIIN means a Global Intermediary Identification Number assigned to Kreissparkasse Heidenheim. It’s issued by US IRS.
     European Central Bank MFI Information:

    RIAD code: DE00368
    Country of registration: DE
    Name: Kreissparkasse Heidenheim
    Box: Postfach 1
    Address: Schnaitheimer Str. 12
    Postal: 89520
    City: Heidenheim
    Category: Credit Institution
    Report: Yes
      Deposit Guarantee Scheme

    Protection Scheme of the German Savings Banks Association / Sicherungseinrichtung des Deutschen Sparkassen- und Giroverbandes (DSGV-Haftungsverbund)
    Guarantee limit: 100 000 EUR

    Bank Kreissparkasse Heidenheim is a participant in the Protection Scheme of the German Savings Banks Association / Sicherungseinrichtung des Deutschen Sparkassen- und Giroverbandes (DSGV-Haftungsverbund) and all deposits are guaranteed in the amount of up to 100 000 EUR.
     Kreissparkasse Heidenheim LEI Information

    LEI Code: 529900S3OB921ZBBUG77
    Name: Kreissparkasse Heidenheim
    City: Heidenheim an der Brenz
    Address: Schnaitheimer Straße 12
    Country: DE
    Postcode: 89520
    Company ID: HRA 661135
    Registered At: Commercial Register / Local Court Ulm
    Legal Form: Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts / Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts
    Lei Data Registration: 2013-08-21 / 13:08:10
    Managing of LOU: Herausgebergemeinschaft Wertpapier-Mitteilungen Keppler, Lehmann GmbH & Co. KG / 5299000J2N45DDNE4Y28
    Status: ACTIVE
    Get your LEI code now
     SOLADES1HDH SWIFT Code explanation
    SOLADES1 - 8-letter swift code
    SOLA - Institution's 4-letter code
    DE - Country code
    S1 - Location code
    HDH - Branch code